Identifying the factors affecting the level of satisfaction of the elderly with the provision of services at the nursing home in Shahryar city

Document Type : Original Article





Considering the demographic changes, including reduced fertility, reduced mortality and, consequently, increased longevity, which has been the result of medical advances in the transitional society of Iran, we have seen an increase in the number and especially the proportion of the elderly. The aging population of the world and, consequently, the country of Iran, have made elderly people and their issues one of the most important issues of society. One of the important aspects of aging is how old people survive and factors affecting the level of satisfaction of the elderly with the provision of services at the community level, and in particular nursing homes, which, given the complexities of today's life, which inevitably lead the community to the core families E and single-parent families, and maybe sometimes families, despite their desire to have their elderly people delivered to the elderly, is important. This research aims to investigate the factors affecting the level of satisfaction of elderly people with the provision of nursing care services in the city of Shahriyar.
The method used in this study was survey type and data was collected using a questionnaire tool. The statistical population of the study is the elderly man and woman living in nursing homes of Shahriar city. A sample of 190 individuals was selected based on the Morgan formula and proportional to the multi-stage stratified sampling method. The validity of the instrument was determined by the formal and informal validity method Approved. Cronbach's alpha coefficient reliability was used to measure reliability. Data were analyzed by SPSS software.
Research findings showed that among the variables under study, emotional needs with Pearson coefficient 0.54, social life need with Pearson coefficient 0.80, recreational needs with Pearson coefficient 0.37 - and security need with Pearson coefficient 0.53 significant relationship with They are satisfied with the provision of nursing home services. Finally, the four variables of Elderly Participation in Social Life, Elderly Recreation Needs, Elderly Security Needs, and Elderly Emotional Needs in Multivariate Regression Test indicate that these independent variables account for 64% of the Elderly Satisfaction Variables.
